Waves Group Logo Design Banner

Waves Group

Waves Group Logo Design

Waves Group are a leading provider of specialist independent consultancy services to the shipping and offshore energy sectors on a global basis.

They use their operational and analytical experience to provide clear advice and practical solutions to the shipping and offshore sectors.

Services provided for Waves Group...

Waves Group Logo Design
Waves Group Logo Design
Waves Group Business Card Design
Waves Group Logo Design
Waves Group Logo Design
Waves Group Advert Design
Waves Group Logo Design Waves Group Logo Design Waves Group Logo Design

The Result

Creating an identity for a globally recoginised business is always a challenge as the final logo must encapsulate the all encompassing nature of Waves Groups work.

With a strong leaning towards a high-end corporate audience, it is important not to create an identity that feels cold and distant, irregardless of the target market. This was achieved by incorporating  a personable type face into the identity and supporting material that allows for instant recognition as well as a giving the brand a more approachable aesthetic. The strong colour palette also helps solidify their position in the shipping and offshore sectors.

Sketch Ideas

Waves Group Logo Ideas
Waves Group Logo Design
Waves Group Pop Up Banner Designs
Waves Group Logo Design on Glass

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Company #12022584 | VAT #329 7884 45