Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design Banner

Rohrs & Rowe

Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design

Rohrs Rowe are an experienced estate agents based in North Cornwall.

With nearly 40 years experience in dealing with top level properties, Matthew Rowe and Martyn Rohrs took it upon themselves to start a completely new estate agents targeting £5000,000+ properties in Cornwall.

Services provided for Rohrs & Rowe...

Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design on a Beach
Rohrs & Rowe Business Card Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design
Rohrs & Rowe Advert Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design on Tablet

The Result

When developing a new identity for an estate agents, it is paramount that the logo works across all platforms but with specific emphasis being placed on the “For Sale Board”.

As Rohrs & Rowe had the prerequisite of only working with properties over the £500,000 mark, it clearly set the tone for the new identity and the audience that we were targeting. It was a real pleasure to work so closely with both Martyn and Matthew on this project as their in-depth knowledge of both the Seller and Buyers market meant that their input and feedback created an identity that catered for all aspects of their business.

Rohrs & Rowe Wordpress Website Page Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design
Rohrs & Rowe Magazine Design
Rohrs & Rowe Logo Design

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Company #12022584 | VAT #329 7884 45